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*Authors contributed equally.


  1. structuredlearning2.png
    Structured learning of rigid-body dynamics: A survey and unified view from a robotics perspective
    A. René Geist, and Sebastian Trimpe
    GAMM-Mitteilungen, 2021
  2. rotations_overview.png
    Learning with 3D rotations, a hitchhiker’s guide to SO(3)
    Andreas René Geist , Jonas Frey , Mikel Zhobro , and 2 more authors
    21–27 jul 2024

Deformable objects

  1. singletrajectory.png
    Learning deformable linear object dynamics from a single trajectory
    Shamil Mamedov , A. René Geist, Ruan Viljoen , and 2 more authors
  2. prnb.png
    Pseudo-rigid body networks: learning interpretable deformable object dynamics from partial observations
    Shamil Mamedov* , A. René Geist*, Jan Swevers , and 1 more author

Implicitly-constrained dynamics

  1. phdthesis.png
    Physics-informed regression of implicitly-constrained robot dynamics
    A. René Geist
  2. usingphysics.png
    Using physics knowledge for learning rigid-body forward dynamics with Gaussian process force priors
    Lucas Rath* , A. René Geist*, and Sebastian Trimpe
    In Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Robot Learning , 08–11 nov 2022
  3. gaussprinciple2.png
    Learning constrained dynamics with Gauss principle adhering Gaussian processes
    A. René Geist, and Sebastian Trimpe
    In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control , Jun 2020

Robot design, navigation and control

  1. learningenvironment.png
    Learning environmental field exploration with computationally constrained underwater robots: Gaussian processes meet stochastic optimal control
    Daniel Andre Duecker* , Andreas René Geist* , Edwin Kreuzer , and 1 more author
    Sensors, 2019
  2. datacollection2.png
    Data collection for robust end-to-end lateral vehicle control
    A René Geist , Andreas Hansen , Eugen Solowjow , and 2 more authors
    In Dynamic Systems and Control Conference , 2017
  3. embeddedspherical.png
    Embedded spherical localization for micro underwater vehicles based on attenuation of electro-magnetic carrier signals
    Daniel-André Duecker , A René Geist , Michael Hengeler , and 4 more authors
    Sensors, 2017
  4. towardshyperbolic.gif
    Towards a hyperbolic acoustic one-way localization system for underwater swarm robotics
    Andreas René Geist , Axel Hackbarth , Edwin Kreuzer , and 3 more authors
    In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2016